I’m back from another great Parker Seminar in Orlando where I got to teach a full day on adjusting the pelvis for pregnant, postpartum, and pediatric patients. I also got to learn from some mentors and hang out with family, so it was truly a wonderful trip.
I realized that last year at Parker Orlando was the first time I figured out how to travel with the herbal infusions, which means I’ve been drinking herbal infusions for a little over a year now.
I have gained lots of new subscribers since I first told you about my history of bladder spasms, so you may not be familiar with how I’ve been working to restore normal bladder function since my second pregnancy. (Paid subscribers can access this previously-published content at the bottom of this email.)
The update to the aforementioned email series is that the bladder spasms I’ve experienced are now significantly less thanks to introducing herbal infusions, but they are still present. The introduction of herbal infusions has improved my quality of life in ways that are hard to quantify, and I’m so grateful to have learned about this alternative form of hydration.
If you’ve not yet watched/listened to this podcast between Susun Weed and my late kundalini yoga teacher Guru Jagat, this was my first introduction to herbal infusions:
Susun Weed has lots of published info on herbal infusions, so feel free to look those up. I’m planning to host a hydration event so that those of you who are interested can actually sample some of my favorite herbal infusions (as well as some of the fermented drinks that Dr. Smith makes, LMNT, and our new structured water filtration system after it arrives).
Now let’s dive into new discoveries of old information. Like how Anthony Fauci and the NAIAD received a nearly $10 million grant to study monkeypox in September of 2020.
“The funding supports a clinical trial to identify effective treatments for monkeypox virus disease,” explains a summary of the research, which, despite beginning in September 2020, has not generated any publicly available studies, papers, or patents.
Here’s a screenshot of the grant (click it to view the whole thing):
Notice how the NIH spending category is Biodefense? And I also see “orphan drug” (which can’t be produced without government assistance) and “vaccine related.” Is this vaccine-related research, or are they studying things that are vaccine-related? (Like maybe, I don’t know, shingles?)
One final thought: was this really what needed to be happening at the NAIAD in September of 2020?
Don’t get me wrong, I was over covid by that point, too. But if they were over covid and ready to move on, their messaging (via Fauci especially) certainly didn’t match that. You weren’t supposed to pay attention to anything else except for covid during 2020. And also 2021. And still in 2022, but wait - monkeypox! Pay attention!
Along those lines, the CDC recommended last Monday - and then reversed the recommendation within the same day - that you wear a mask while traveling to avoid monkeypox.
Version one from the WayBack Machine:
Version two as it currently stands:
And you know already about the Jynneos vaccine, but good news: Moderna is working on a monkeypox vaccine as well! Perhaps it’ll be their second product to develop and take to market - hooray!
But we can’t get too far into the monkey business monkeypox fear porn story because there are still plenty of people trying to push a vaccine that targets a 2019 virus on children under five.
From a recent Substack by Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH:
It is entirely reasonable to wait for more data before vaccinating children. It is super reasonable for a healthy child who already had COVID-19 to wait. Mandates would be mistaken, and an abuse of power. And people who promote fear-mongering statistics to try to scare people into vaccinating are doing a grave disservice. Their irresponsible actions will harm faith in public health and science going forward. I truly doubt their ability to think about data.
This is his summary of 5 points regarding the risks of covid in kids (which are negligible and “evidence” to the contrary is misleading). It’s worth a quick read.
The FDA is set to vote tomorrow on whether or not kids 6 months to 5 years old should get covid vaccines via Emergency Use Authorization. This risk benefit analysis document that’s 190 pages regarding Moderna was released at the end of last week, two business days before the vote tomorrow. And today is the release of Pfizer’s similar report.
How in the world are the VRBPAC members going to read all of this data before they vote tomorrow? According to The Defender, they’re not:
One of the ways Moderna and the FDA rig the game is by adding endless layers of complexity to hide how bad the data really is.
This should have been four separate documents — Moderna in adolescents 12 to 17, Moderna in kids 6 to 11, Moderna in kids 2 to 5, and Moderna in kids 6 months to 23 months.
Looked at individually, the shot fails in each of these four age groups. But lumping them together creates noise that makes it difficult to understand what’s going on.
Considering their track record, the EUA is likely to be granted. Color me surprised if it’s not. And then it’s just a short, slippery, sliding slope away from being added to your kid’s recommended vaccine schedule.
As far as adults are concerned, Walgreen’s released some actual data (which is something that would be cool for the CDC to do) on who’s testing positive for covid these days. Now, the interesting thing is that we really can’t say who’s testing because a lot of people who have already have covid might opt out of testing - unless they’re forced to test regularly because they’re not vaccinated and their work requires it. But it will surprise a lot of people who think boosters are a good idea:
People who had three boosters over 5 months ago have the highest positivity rates for covid.
And while I was on @TexasLindsay’s twitter account, I came across this:

So again with the digitial overriding of your personal life and private data: now they can cut off your bank account if you’re doing things the government deems inappropriate. How about that? Who could’ve seen that coming? Are you paying attention or are you still fixated on monkeypox?
Back to covid, there may be some more truth coming to light.
I told you a while back about Augusto Roux, and this substack shares a bit more of an update about his story and how he may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. By camel, I mean the Pfizer trial. This is worth a read (and it’s not too long) to see some of the absurd corruption in the trial that is impossible to ignore.
But maybe you just want a regular vaccine, like Novavax, which doesn’t use mRNA technology and would suit you better. Well, trial participants STILL demonstrated heart issues, just like we’re seeing from Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J. But don’t worry, the FDA still recommends it, and it might make full clearance within a week. (Keep in mind that this is still a pre-Omicron strain that you’re protecting yourself from, so that’s promising.)
And Moderna has an Omicron-specific vaccine. Here’s what you need to know, as reported by Alex Berenson:
Back to monkeypox. The WHO has released clinical guidelines for treating people with monkeypox, including pregnant women and children. Health agencies started doing really asinine things with pregnant women during 2020 - like no in-person care, separating mothers and babies post-birth, and no support person during birth - so I want to get ahead of this before things get weird stupid out of hand. Here are their recommendations:
So there it is: no outright recommendations to treat pregnant women disrespectfully, stop breastfeeding, or perform unnecessary cesarean section surgeries if a woman or baby has monkeypox. I just want it to be on the record because I haven’t forgotten the past two+ years.
I took more screenshots because I’m not sure exactly how the Way Back Machine works for PDFs.
For those of you who planted gardens this year, I hope you’re seeing and enjoying the growth of the late spring season. I was so thrilled to see how much our garden blossomed when we returned from Orlando. And the blueberries are almost ripe, too! If only the squirrels and the deer would leave my fruit trees alone. Sigh.
Until next time,
(Paid subscribers are getting access to the previously-published three-part series of my history with bladder spasms. If you’ve been a subscriber since August of 2020, you’ve already seen this.)