I am including the draft below of what I had planned to send you Friday before my life changed on Thursday.
I sent this email to all of our patients yesterday, except I corrected a spelling error that Mary would’ve loved to point out that I’d made:
Good afternoon, beautiful friends, family, patients, and extended community of TriangleCRC,
I would like to send any other email right now, but my fingers are somehow creating this message and I am grateful that they work because this is an email that I can't believe I have to send. We lost our beloved Mary on Thursday in the senseless shootings in Hedingham. She had just left the office - she recorded a video on my phone in her last moments here that we have played and replayed just to hear her voice and presence in this place that is such a beautiful and sacred place for us and so many of you.
We are proud to be her extended family for the past three years, and will support her immediate family - Rob, Bridgete, and Toby; and Ginny, Tom, and Meaghan, Avery, and Charlotte.
As such, there are two specific Go Fund Me campaigns that I will direct you toward, should you feel compelled to donate to her family.
This is for her fiance (as they were to be married on our soon-to-be shared anniversary, October 29th, where Dr. Smith was to officiate their mountain wedding) to help with services and with navigating the canceling of their upcoming wedding: https://www.gofundme.com/f/83x2h6-mary-marshall
This is for her parents and sister to help with services and preparation for her Celebration of Life, which will take place on what was to be her wedding day: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ew3tf-mary-marshall
I do not know our way forward, and I know that we will stumble in our messy and beautiful grief for this incredible feisty and powerful person that we are missing so painfully right now. I thank you for your patience as we navigate what it looks like to run an office without the BOM of the office.
Mary was promoted to Back Office Manager earlier this year, and I realized the acronym was BOM, so we've henceforth called her the BOM. It made a lot of sense in a lot of ways, as any who know her can attest.
We will be closed on Monday, 10/17. If you had an acupuncture or chiropractic appointment, you'll receive a direct email as well. I apologize for blowing up your inbox, but we want to make sure that we communicate with you effectively. Plunge and sauna appointments for Monday are also canceled, as is yoga.
I do not know if we will be open Tuesday. Our plan is to visit that decision as providers and staff tomorrow. If you have an appointment on Tuesday, we will be in touch tomorrow (Sunday, 10/16). The same goes for every other day this week. I am not creating any expectations for myself or my staff in these next coming weeks: we will take this one step at a time.
We have felt your love and appreciate your messages of memories and kind words and shared sorrow. We might not read them right away, but if you wish to share with us, we gratefully accept those gifts of love and you may simply reply to this email address info@trianglecrc.com.
I don't know how to end this email, and Mary could tell you that I'm rarely at a loss for words. She has rendered me speechless and I think she might be quite proud of that.Sorrowfully yours,
Lindsay Mumma, DC
TriangleCRC President
But because I’d been adding to this next draft since last Friday after I sent my last newsletter and because Mary loved my newsletters (remember when she made a cameo appearance when she was folding fitted sheets earlier this year at the office? She just re-taught me how to fold fitted sheets at the office last week because she taught me 2 1/2 years ago and I still just roll them up in a ball and that was unacceptable to her), I’m just going to send you the working draft. It doesn’t have any segues or ties together or even all of the information that I would have continued to add, but it’s information and now you can see how I work on drafts. I’m not finishing this because I am not.
Thank you for reading and thank you for donating equally to those two Go Fund Me campaigns for her family.
Remember ASPR? The new division of the HHS that’s going to be better prepared for pandemics? Well, they’ve purchased $290 million worth of drugs to have on hand in the event of a nuclear attack. The drug romiplostim (trade name Nplate) has been shown in animal models to increase survival after radiation exposure. And you know how reliable animal studies are.
Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has now recommended against the covid shots for men under 40. And then he got censored on Twitter for misinformation. His tweet then got reinstated on Twitter the same day. According to Dr. Joseph Ladapo:
[T]here is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination… With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group… Males over the age of 60 had a 10% increased risk of cardiac-related death within 28 days of mRNA vaccination [while] Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks among any population.
How do you feel about this?

If you’ve known me for 5 minutes, you know how I feel about it.
This Randomized Controlled Trial showed that taking a multivitamin helped improve cognitive function in participants over 65. The trial followed participants for 3 years, and wasn’t even a great multi (Centrum Silver). But that ought to encourage you to ensure your nutrient uptake is at least adequate, if not robust. I love Pure Encapsulations Daily Stress Formula or O.N.E. Multivitamin, personally (both are available in my Wellevate store).
This is amazing. And by amazing, I mean absolute nonsense. Pfizer & BioNTech sponsored an Avengers comic and it is the cheesiest bit of propaganda I’ve seen yet. And I’m old enough to remember what they did in 2020 and 2021. Click the tweet and read it for yourselves. It’s truly remarkable.

If you’re Canadian and have decided against receiving a covid shot, your doctor may recommend medication. Because clearly you need treatment for thinking differently.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario stated as much in their covid guidelines. After Nadine Ness shared it on Twitter and caused a bit of a scene, they updated their guidelines to state that they were of course just talking about a fear of needles. Mmmhmm.

Why would someone even consider NOT getting a covid shot? Perhaps they’ve done their own risk-benefit analysis. Perhaps they don’t want to inject polyethylene glycol (PEG) directly into their bloodstream. Perhaps thwy’re nervous about gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission because it was never tested to do so before being released to the public with that official tagline that it would stop transmission.

Or perhaps they’re worried about what ELSE is in the shots that we haven’t been told about yet. Maybe fetal cells, for example:
Or perhaps they just don’t feel like it. Is that an acceptable reason? Free will? Many will say no because their choices affected others. But if you recognize that all of your choices affect all of humanity, then you realize that free will is our only reasonable option.
BPA in athletic wear can absorb into your skin: https://www.theepochtimes.com/popular-athletic-clothing-brands-have-high-levels-of-hormone-disrupting-chemical-bpa-watchdog-group_4796318.html
No words, LIndsay, just feeling deep grief and envisioning the light of love and peace surrounding you all. xox