"Novel" coronavirus vaccine from 2019, Operation Hardtack, IFOs, and a surprisingly short update on my book
Short version of an update from my last newsletter: my books are on their way to Vegas. My book will launch next week! Hooray! It will likely be Wednesday (my bdayyyyy!) Paid subscribers, you’ve got a little extra thank you at the end of this email (and it’s never too late to become a paid subscriber). Don’t forget my birthday month discount is still happening through 2/28!
Holy wow. Read this.
I’m not kidding. Don’t read anything else until you click that. It’s a year old but I just discovered it via bad cattitude (I get Igor’s Newsletter, but didn’t start receiving it until the end of last year, so I’d missed this).
Even though I expected and suspected this, that is a pretty hefty smoking gun.
If you’re still reading and haven’t clicked that Substack above, stop. Go read it.
And then you can read this, which points out an Ivanka Trump tweet stating that her dad had been working on a vaccine with Moderna on January 13, 2020. That’s before the first case of covid was confirmed. So maybe Operation Warp Speed was so fast because it was already in play before covid ever came on our radars?
Speaking of OWS, per The Defender:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday added COVID-19 vaccination to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults.
Although the CDC does not have the authority to set requirements itself, the agency’s immunization schedule provides formal guidance for state and local public health officials who set the rules for which vaccines are required to attend school.
The schedule also is the basis for vaccine recommendations made by most physicians.
These aren’t the only additions, which include more MMR, flu, and polio shots plus PVC15, which only recently became approved for children:
This would mean the childhood vaccination schedule would increase the number of recommended injections from 54 to 72 over the course of a person’s childhood, between the ages of 6 months and 18 years, The Defender reported last year.
Mind you, these covid shots are Emergency Use Authorization. These are not FDA-approved shots. The FDA is worth as much as a bag of wet hair, but still.
Case in point regarding the unimpressive FDA approval can be found in a study published this month that a friend shared with me. According to USA Today:
The study by Harvard and Yale researchers found that of 210 new therapies approved by the Food and Drug Administration from 2018 through 2021, 21 drugs were based on studies that had one or more goals, or end points, that weren't achieved. Those 21 drugs were approved to treat cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases.
Researchers said the findings raise questions about whether the federal agency's drug approvals lack transparency about the some products' safety and effectiveness.
So the FDA sucking isn’t just a covid-related thing. They’ve been sucking for a while. Probably since their inception. What I’m saying is that FDA approval is not a high standard, and Emergency Use Authorization falls below that poor standard. Yikes.
Do not forget that you retain your right to bodily autonomy regardless of what three-letter agencies tell you. This is a fundamental right that you have: to be left alone to choose your own choices. Bad cat put it like this:
all fundamental rights are negative. they are rights to non-interference. you have a right to speech, to association, to bodily integrity. such rights to not obligate anyone else to act for you, merely to leave you unimpeded. no one must listen when you speak, or agree, or associate with you if they chose not to. such rights are universal, reciprocal, and require mutual consent for actions. if you cannot have it alone on a desert island, it’s not a negative right.
but positive rights are different. a “right to healthcare” is a positive right. such a right implies that others must do things for you. healthcare does not just appear, someone has to perform it, someone has to pay for it. the time, agency, and treasure of others is made yours. but by what right? by what right may one take from others against their will and call it a just entitlement?
Don’t buy into the idea that you have a right to healthcare when what you have is a right to choose what your healthcare looks like. The difference is critical.
Let’s switch gears a little bit and look into some history. And now I present to you: Operation Hardtack.
![Twitter avatar for @TheChiefNerd](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/TheChiefNerd.jpg)
Told you not to worry bout that spy balloon. Nothing to see here.
Four flying objects have now been shot down over North American airspace. (And then some unrelated Russian fighter jets flew into US airspace over Alaska and Dutch defenders warded off other Russian jets over Polish airspace.) In typical fashion, your government and their media have not relayed swaths of information to the public. Either that, or they’re completely clueless and really that bad at their jobs. Neither is a great look.
People are asking questions and little snippets of details regarding the flying objects (shall we call them UFOs, or are they identified-but-not-relayed-to-the-public flying objects? IFOs, perhaps?) are being dripped out incrementally, but I’m feeling a bit more concerned about these things than their coverage warrants. I honestly expect nothing less of the Project Mockingbird affiliates.
Keep in mind that Project Mockingbird was a CIA operation.
Keep in mind that there has been evidence of Jeffrey Epstein’s connection to the CIA.
And now check out this headline from The Daily Mail (in typical long-winded UK Daily Mail style):
The final 167 associates, at least one of whom is a public figure according to the DM, will be released in the coming months.
My point is to simply keep paying attention to things because there are always distractions. And we can’t forget that Epstein didn’t kill himself. The level of corruption and power needed to have a man in a maximum security prison killed is pretty astronomical. So keep looking to the skies because we know balloons can carry nuclear weapons thanks to Operation Hardtack, but don’t keep your head in the clouds because nefarious stuff is happening all around you.
The more we’re aware of and expose terrible behavior, the less likely it is to continue. This is open source living.
An update on the train derailment, which remains top of mind for me for personal reasons, but ought to stay top of mine for you for reasons shared below:
In that post (which is very worth reading), he shared this video:
And then an astute reader shared this thread with me:
Unsurprising that the top owners of the train that derailed are Vanguard, Chase, and BlackRock: they own the world. But what does that mean?
Unrelated next thought (or is it?):
Those who “own the world” have been telling us for years that they want to decrease the world population. Am I crazy for believing them?
That’s all for now.
Unless you’re a paid subscriber. ;-)